Now let's take it a step further and make some ornaments with doily imprints on them! Your friends and family will be so impressed and will think that you spent hours working on these, when in reality, they are super simple to make and take no time at all.
To make these you will need one batch
and directions can be found here.
Unlike salt dough (which has a golden appearance),
Clay Dough has a silky texture and does not darken
during baking but remains a bright white.
Unlike salt dough (which has a golden appearance),
Clay Dough has a silky texture and does not darken
during baking but remains a bright white.
Doily Print Clay Dough Ornaments
Roll clay to 1/4 thickness. Position doily on clay as desired.
Using a rolling pin, gently imprint the doily into the dough by rolling back and
forth a few times.
Slowly remove the doily to reveal your doily-imprinted clay.
Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes and bake as directed in the recipe.
Completed baked clay dough ornament.
You can leave them white, or add color...
Here are the results of my color experiments:
If you want to create a contrast, gently blot the finished design with an ink pad.
Here is the same star from above. I blotted it with a damp paper towel to soften
the ink and spread the color throughout the ornament.
Next I blotted it with white ink. I like this snowy effect.
Here it is with a heavy blue coat of ink.

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