Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pick n Mix - another sweet assortment of international design

Goodies! Gooooodies! Come get your goodies!!

This tile mosaic pretty quickly tells you what sort of hotel the Vincci Bit in Barcelona is. An awesome one. (The image is too small to see, but just above the HELLO it says 'Hey You - Yes You!') See more on the artist's website
Dig the RST lamp by Elina Jarvinen

Love this label design, a tasty aesthetic chaser to the boutique nordic flavours in each bottle. Each Folksaga label features a traditional folk story from Sweden. By designer Caleb Heisey, found at DesignWorkLife.

High five, Wendy Maarten. Your pulley lamps are dreamy. Especially the Gradient one, in grapefruit hand-blown glass.

I don't blog alot of food bits and bobs, but this is design as much as it's cuisine. And it's also one young design student's little side project, and you guys know how much I love personal projects. Kelly Pratt is creating 50 sandwiches to represent the 50 United States, then creating a poster out of each sandwich, deconstructed. Yum - 50 Stately Sandwiches! What sort of sandwiches would represent NZ regions do you reckon? What cool, fun project would you start if you had some free time? Why am I asking you so many questions?  

OK so these have been around the Interwebs for a few months now, but I didn't want to blog them because COME ON, that's taking the Triangle thing a bit far now, isn't it? I don't want my precious triangle to become the Put A Bird On It of shapes. But then I realised that using these would actually be quite a sweet way to hang prints, and look - they make a cute jewellery hanger too. Plus, they now come in both Brass and Bronze. Equilateral nails, available here.

You're doing boutique stationery right, SugarPaper.

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